Left Handed Productions

Video production company in collaboration with film maker Martijn Bastiaans. Left Handed produced video portraits and shorts about the significant other. Illustration, graphic design, camera & edit.

Year: 2016-2019
Client: Left Handed

music video
I Am Oak - Omen

Short Promo for artist Hozan Zangana

Short Promo for artist Suzan Becking

Short Promo for artist Frans Otink

Short for art project Primal Edition

Short video for writer Robbert Wellagen

Short video for national railway operator Pro Rail (muted)
Samen voor betrouwbaar spoor

Short promotional video for music festival Utrecht Onderdompelen

Video portrait for barber shop Pappas, Utrecht

Video for The Jaunt, an art project that send artists on trips


Dolly Warhol