
Witty and skilled content to communicate what words alone can't tell. Let Fly Boy Fly be the butter on the sandwich to let your message go down smooth and tasty.

Fly Boy Fly is located in Utrecht, The Netherlands. For a casual coffee and / or new commissions, please contact:


0031 626452550

# communication #communicationstrategy #motion design #illustration #artdirection #video #adobecreativesuite #video #stopmotion #marketing #campaign #strategy #branding #concepting #photography

Once upon a time

As a kid, I use to let curiosity take me to new, exciting places. I discovered places to build the next tree hut. I met new friends that weren’t on my school and that took me on BMX rides. And I explored the boundaries of my city, going a bit further every year. I guess curiosity is that what made me grow as a child and it’s still the engine for contemporary encounters.

There was no genuine, rational choice to study Urban Planning when I was 18 years old. As the majority of the young adults, you choose what seems right and is within your reach. But the planted seed of my interest in the social behavior of people seemed to be on fertile soil. My interest in observing people, analyzing spatial-social actions and visualizing human behavior grew along the way.

My theoretical interest got boosted by reading Jane Jacobs and Jan Gehl. My creative brain exploded once I saw the paintings from the Clayton Brothers, Neo Rauch and Edward Hopper. It’s these kinds of discoveries that push you in the right direction and let you find your own path. And the path ahead makes it interesting to move forward.